Infertility Women

Major Four Causes of Infertility in Women

SuperWorriedAfter a year of regular, unprotected sex a pregnancy does not occur then both partners should get tested to see whether they have fertility issues. 45% of infertility cases are caused by a female problem or disorder and there are several causes which can lead to it.
When first going to the doctor, a woman has to be prepared to respond to the following preliminary questions, before going through any testing: menstrual history, medications taken, general health state and health issues from childhood until now, medical historic of the family and lifestyle habits like alcohol and caffeine consumption or smoking.

Infertility in women may be caused by several medical or hormonal conditions, but the major and most often met ones are: pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, premature ovarian failure and uterine fibrosis.

Also known as PID, the pelvic inflammatory disease is a generic term used to describe a variety of infections and bacteria that affect a woman’s reproductive system and the pelvic area. In most of the infertility cases the area affected by these infections are the fallopian tubes, causing a blockage that prevents the release of the egg from the ovaries in the uterus.

PID can be caused by several inflammatory conditions, but the most often met ones are sexually transmitted diseases like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.
Depending on the severity of the infection, about 20% of the cases of PID lead to infertility.

This particular condition is caused by the endometrial cells that line the uterus and grow outside of it causing a blockage of the ovaries. Causing around 30% of the infertility cases, endometriosis is not an irreversible disease and with appropriate treatment fertility of the woman can be restored.
The laparoscopic surgery has a 60% success rate and if this doesn’t work then women can try IVF who has been proven to be very popular lately due to its growing success rates.

Also known as PCOS, this syndrome is caused by the high amount of male hormones, especially testosterone, a woman’s body produces. It’s a condition that affects about 6% of the women and it leads the body into producing low levels of FHS, the follicle stimulating hormone that is in charge of maturing the eggs.
With high levels of androgens in the body and very low levels of progesterone, women can present several symptoms like: facial hair, obesity, acne and irregular menstrual periods.

Most commonly known as early menopause, this condition represents the premature depletion of follicles, before the age of 40. It only affects 1% of the women worldwide and its most common symptom is an irregular menstrual period for more years in a row.

The premature ovarian failure can be caused by gland deficiencies, genetic disorders, cancer treatments or autoimmune disorders.

Depending on what causes infertility, the appropriate treatment for it can either be drugs, surgery or assisted reproductive technologies.