Vicious Cycle

Unexplained Infertility: Is it Just a Vicious Cycle?

couple-worriedUnless you have been through it, it is nearly impossible to understand the feelings of helpless frustration that unexplained infertility can cause. Each and every month it is the same thing over and over again. You hope and you pray that something will be different, but the pregnancy test always comes back negative. You want an answer as to why this is happening, but sometimes the answers aren’t very forthcoming.

One of the must frustrating things about unexplained infertility is that no one can give you a concrete answer as to what is going wrong. Many of us would like to think that fertility is an exact science, and as such, we expect the doctors that we trust to have answers to the questions we are asking. Why can’t I get pregnant? What do I need to do differently? When the doctors don’t have straight answers, we spiral into a roller coaster of emotions that are anything but productive.

If you are experiencing unexplained infertility, you are not alone. It has been estimated that anywhere between ten to twenty percent of couples experience this dilemma. Although this is very difficult to do, if you are one of the many people who is experiencing unexplained fertility, try and shift your focus, from, Why am I experiencing unexplained infertility to What you can do about it?

The Stress Factor

I would love to tell you to just stop stressing, but you and I both know that is nearly impossible to do. In the real world, stress is unavoidable. The problem is that stress can actually be the catalyst of a very vicious unexplained infertility cycle. Science has proven that stress can have a negative impact on a woman’s ability to conceive. As each month passes without a positive pregnancy test, your stress level goes up. The more stress you have, the lower your chances of conceiving may become. In some cases, the stress alone may be the culprit of your unexplained infertility woes.

Does this mean you have to completely eliminate stress if you want to get pregnant? No. It is impossible to remove every aspect of stress in your life. We all know that. What you can do, however, is control how the stress affects you and your body.

Get in touch with your mind and body. While Western medicine may indeed have many of the answers to some infertility complications, cases of unexplained infertility may merit a more natural approach. By taking a mind-body approach to your unexplained infertility issues, you can help your body regain its balance and increase your chances of conceiving. Meditation and breathing exercise may not be able to prevent stress or make your life stress free, but they can help your body counteract the effects that stress is having on you.

It is natural to reproduce. Your body knows what it is supposed to do. Unfortunately, many of us have forgotten how to work with our bodies to achieve our goals. If unexplained infertility is an issue, don’t let the stress and frustration further reduce your chances of bringing home a bundle of joy. Get back to the heart of things. Understand your body’s needs and do what it takes to achieve the mind-body connection that will increase your chances of conceiving that baby girl or boy.