Infertility cure

Infertility cure

natural-remedies-infertilityI am going to tell you something that is contradictory to what everyone has been telling you. Getting pregnant is easy. Contrary to what you believe pregnancy is something the body wants to do. The reason why so many women, men and couples have infertility problems is because their bodies are sick and therefore unable to conceive.

If you can deal with infertility at the source, you can cure your infertility naturally with any fertility drugs or costly and invasive surgical procedures. In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) can cost anywhere from $8000-$15000 depending on who the doctor is and where you are in the world. The success rate is extremely low averaging about 10%, meaning most women fail when using IVF.

What Is The Natural Infertility Cure?

The natural infertility cure is a way to deal with infertility which works with the body instead of against it. Problems such as PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, low or abnormal sperm count are dealt with naturally so that fertility can take place. When the body is sick and not functioning optimally, all the resources and efforts of the body are diverted away from fertility. The focus on the body is survival and not procreation.

Eating the right diet and healing your body will allow you to overcome all these health problems and get pregnant fast. Detoxification is another big part of this. These days our so full of toxins that it’s hard to get pregnant. It’s not wonder why birth defects are so prevalent and both males and females have so many fertility problems.

Things that you should absolutely avoid include sugar, soy, alcohol, caffeine, meat, poultry, diary products (except for sugar free yogurt), seafood, fast foods and processed foods. Sugar is a toxic to the body – artificial sugar is a carcinogen and should also be avoided.

Meat, poultry, dairy products have an unbalancing effect on the body and contain parasites, as well as negative energy. Seafood contains water-borne contaminants such as pollution and mercury and should be avoided as well.

Soy is an extremely processed food and has strong hormone unbalancing effects on the body. Replace soy milk with almond, rice milk or hemp milk. Textured vegetarian protein which is made from soy should also be avoided.

Focus on eating whole raw fruits and vegetables and drinking lots of water. Water is essential to sperm motility and many important functions of the body including conception.