Infertility Explained

Male Infertility Explained

DoctorThere is nothing quite so frustrating for a couple as an unsuccessful quest to bring a newborn into the world. For some couples, becoming pregnant is simple. It often happens effortlessly or even by accident. For other couples, the process can be one that involves tears, stress, and visits to doctors and fertility specialists. It can mean a financially and emotionally draining process.

What some people are quick to do is blame the woman. Something must be wrong inside her body to explain the lack of conception. The truth is that male infertility is a condition that is often overlooked and unnoticed. Up to 40% of the infertility issues that couples face is due to male infertility. Since about another 20% of infertile couples are having a combination of male-female infertility, the plain truth is that male infertility is just as common as female infertility.

It is important to note that there are other male issues that are often confused with male infertility. One of these is erectile dysfunction. This simply refers to a males inability to maintain an erection long enough to have sexual intercourse. For those unfamiliar with the term, erectile dysfunction is also called impotence. When a male has this condition, he is not infertile. It just means that other factors are influencing his ability to function sexually. Impotence can be linked with decreased sexual desire, problems with orgasm, or the inability to maintain an erection. A clear-cut case of erectile dysfunction does not include the other problems stated.

Another problem that is often confused for infertility is premature ejaculation. Known also as rapid ejaculation, this sexual problem affects more than one fourth of the male population. When a male suffers from this problem, he has little or no control over ejaculation and achieves orgasm before his partner in more than half of his sexual encounters. Some researchers specify that males with premature ejaculation disorder actually achieve ejaculation within two minutes of penetration. This is debatable since other studies show that the majority of men ejaculate within this period under normal circumstances.

It is important to realize that neither premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction mean that a couple will be unable to produce a child. In premature ejaculation, it does not play a role at all. When it comes to erectile dysfunction, the issue is that couples wont conceive if a male does not ejaculate.

For men facing these issues whether facing erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or infertility, the process can be demasculizing and frustrating. However, it is vital to remember that you are not alone. These often ignored problems are ones that countless men face each and every single day. Talking openly and honestly with your partner and your physician is the first step in finding a solution to your sexual problem.

With so many treatment methods available today, one can be optomistic that you can still enjoy a normal, healthy sex life. Infertile men can also talk with their doctors about ways to increase their sperm count as they strive to bring a child into the world.