Infertility Test

Should You Get A Male Infertility Test Done

hormone-infertility-1Have you and your spouse been trying to conceive a baby without success? If this is the case, then it might be worthwhile visiting a doctor to have a male infertility test conducted. Once there is a problem with fertility identified, then you can begin to have treatment and move closer to making your dream of starting a family reality.

It can be quite embarrassing to have to go through the process, but it should be remembered that it is all just a means to an end. The test might help to provide the right kind of treatment, if there is a problem, and you will be more likely to conceive a baby with your spouse. Infertility problems between couples are not uncommon and in around half of the cases, the male’s fertility levels are the problem.

Doctors generally perceive that there are fertility issues when the couple has been trying to have a baby for more than 12 months having unprotected sex and there has not been a successful conception. It is generally recommended that the male in the relationship go for the testing first since this process is much easier and pain free in comparison to that of the female.

You will first visit a urologist and they will conduct and interview as well as a physical examination. During the consultation they will ask you about many things. These are likely to include your lifestyle and medical history. They will ask about medications that you take since some medicines have an effect on male sperm.

There might be some questions that you feel uncomfortable answering such as whether you use recreational drugs, if you have ever had any sexually transmitted diseases, your sex life with your spouse. They are also likely to want to know whether you smoke, about your diet and exercise habits.

They will also have you give them a sperm sample, which will be sent to the pathologist for testing. They will look at your sperm and count the number of normal, healthy sperm, their shape and how they are moving around. If you are deemed to have low sperm count, it does not mean that you are infertile necessarily, just as having a good sperm level does not instantly mean that you are fertile.

The doctor will also examine your sexual reproductive organs to look for blockages or other concerns and they can also examine your hormone levels to check if this may be leading to fertility problems. The male infertility test is painless, but may be somewhat embarrassing.

But you should never be embarrassed by these tests. Remember your goal and making a family is simply too important to be held up just because of a simple medical procedure. Not everyone has the privilege to have a family and you really have to reassess your priorities if this test gets in your way. Its a misconception that you are less of a man if you are found to be infertile. You are only less of a man if you cant do a simple procedure to make you and your spouses dreams of having a family come true.